Finally made it! Travelling took a long time, especially the 13+ hour bus trip. We are here in Manali and although it's not cold, it's also not the minus twenty Google tells us it is. We have a couple of days finding our feet and then tomorrow we head out to the village where the school we'll be painting is.
The boys are doing well and it's fun seeing them try and sort themselves out, especially for food - it typically takes us an hour to find somewhere to eat! Apart from generally tiredness, we're all still feeling really good too.
This place is amazing. Manali looks great and is pretty fun. The short time we had in Delhi was good but I must say I'm glad we wont be spending any more time there, the pollution and noise was too much. Here is a lot cleaner, and a little slower pace and quieter.
Ok apparently we're off already, they just needed a Facebook fix. It's just about 2013 in NZ already so - HAPPY NEW YEAR.
Great to know of your safe arrival and happy introduction to this new year. Trust the painting tasks have gone well and that the time-honoured tradition of observing students hunting for food is still going well. All the best for the next part of the adventure - trekking in what could be closer to the expected -20 degrees. Stay safe and warm!